Dental Labs

We now also support Dental Labs!

As you no doubt know, Medical Aid Schemes now accommodate claims directly from Dental labs!

Tired of waiting for payments from Dentists?
Take charge of your own claims and accounts now!

DentFin will take care of all Private as well as Medical Aid claims for Dental Laboratories.

All Medical Aid Schemes currently support direct claiming by Dental Labs.

Our services:

Procedures Included

  • Capture & Submit medical aid claims electronically.
  • Processing of electronic claim rejections and re-submittal.
  • Processing of medical aid payments.
  • Follow up and processing of medical aid queries.
  • Follow up and collection of patient liable accounts.
  • Sending of monthly statements to patients – by post, email
  • and fax.
  • Sms billing reminders.
  • Management of data backups.
  • General IT support.
  • Hardware support (Optional).

Advantages of DentFin services

  • Speedy handling of claims.
  • No more concerns about sick leave, resignation,
  • training of staff or other labour related issues.
  • We are always here!
  • No more telephone, postage, sms and stationary
  • bills.
  • Fastest possible turn around time on payments,
  • ensuring a healthy cash flow.

Billing Structure

5.5% of all claims fully processed and paid

Fees include:

  • Telephone
  • Postage
  • Sms notifications to patients
  • Stationary
  • Amounts are calculated on payments processed.